Flash RX5808 Diversity Modul (LaForge / True-D / Realacc)

This article is about how to flash a RX5808 diversity module with the latest firmware and also change the start screen.

This article was translated by Daniel. Thank you!




The following information is only a building report, as I have done. If you are flashed by this report, it is entirely your own responsibility.
I have not tested the module with the new firmware, so just flash if you are really sure!

What is required


RX5808_Diveristy_Modul_adapter RX5808_Diveristy_Modul

Software for the RX5808 Module


Installing the software

First, you need to install the Arduino IDE. With the latest Arduino IDE a compilation error occurs, so you must use the above linked version 1.6.8.


Next, we need to expand the Arduino IDE’s capabilities with previously downloaded libraries.


From the file “rx5808-pro-diversity-master.zip” copy the folder “rx5808-pro-diversity” into your Arduino projects folder (in the settings of the Arduino IDE)
For me it is: “C:\Users\test\Documents\Arduino\



Copy the content from “Adafruit-GFX-Library-master.zip” and “Adafruit_SSD1306-master.zip” to your “libraries” folder
For me it is: “C:\Users\test\Documents\Arduino\libraries


Customize the start screen

ps915_128x64 redbeelogo_128x64_2
First create your logo as .BMP file in black / white with the dimensions 128px × 64px

Convert image


Now you convert your logo into a HEX file with the tool “BMP-LCD.exe”. Copy the text between the brackets “{” and “};”.



Open the following file with a text editor: C:\Users\test\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_SSD1306-master\Adafruit_SSD1306.cpp.
Replace the old values with the previously copied HEX text.

Insert between “static uint8_t buffer [SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT * SSD1306_LCDWIDTH / 8] = {” and “};

Do not forget to save.


Adjust the resolution

Open the following file with a text editor: “C:\Users\test\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_SSD1306-master\Adafruit_SSD1306.h

// #define SSD1306_128_64
#define SSD1306_128_32
// #define SSD1306_96_16

Replace with the following:

#define SSD1306_128_64
// #define SSD1306_128_32
// #define SSD1306_96_16

And do not forget to save again.

Flashing the diversity module

Now open the project folder “rx5808-pro-diversity.ino


Connect the RX5808 module

Now connect your Diversity module to your computer via the USB adapter. You do not have to solder the pins, it is sufficient, if the adapter is clamped, because it is pushed down by the USB cable strongly enough. However, make sure that no pin loses the connection during the flash process.

Start upload


Check whether the COM port is detected and whether the programmer settings are correct.




With a click on Upload you load the new firmware on your Diversity module.

Firmware update completed

Firmware update completed



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…. a few seconds later you have your own logo on your Diversity module
RX5808 Diveristy Modul redbee logo RX5808_Diveristy_Modul_blog_logo



This article was translated by Daniel. Thank you for this! =)

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6 Responses

  1. Miquel Martí sagt:

    Kann man auch mit dieser Methode der URUAV RX5808 EVO Modul ?

  2. jyri sagt:

    Yo im stuck at „uploading“ and nothing happens. „programmer is not responding“

  1. 13. November 2016

    […] Flash RX5808 Diversity Modul (LaForge / True-D / Realacc) […]

  2. 13. November 2016

    […] a RX5808 diversity module with the latest firmware and also change the start screen. Check out Philipp Seidels blog for detailed […]

  3. 10. Januar 2017

    […] After a while, I picked up the unit again and gave it another try. Again, no success. At this point, determined to figure out what was going on, I tested the unit for solder bridges and correct wiring. It all checked out ok. Then, by pure coincidence, I tested the voltage of the 5V connection and realized that only 0.9V were being put out from the unit. By measuring the pins on the FatShark unit port, I confirmed my suspicion. The USBasp was supplying the entire unit with power. The USBasp cannot provide enough power in order to supply the entire unit with power (naturally!). This had not been necessary when working with the RealACC unit. […]

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