Flyduino KISS FC Manual


The KISS FC Manual


Installation of Standalone GUI

The KISS standalone GUI is available via download on GitHub for Windows, Mac, Linux and ChromeOS.



to the download of the Android App

  • download .apk
  • Accept installation from unknown sources
  • Installation

Start screen

This is the start screen which looks the same on all devices. In the middle you find a representation of both sides of the KISS FC and how to connect the individual components to it.

Once you have connected your KISS FC via USB, a new com port will appear in the drop-down menu in the top left corner. Here you have to select the correct port and click „Connect“.



If you are connecting the FC to the GUI for the first time or with new firmware flashed, you need to activate it. Each flight controller has a unique serial number that needs to be checked with the Flyduino database. You need an internet connection.

If the activation process does not work, please contact Flyduino:

Tab: Configuration

Here you can set up basic settings for the copter. Among others for ESC, Failsafe and receiver settings.
By the way, at the bottom you will find the currently installed firmware version as well as the serial number of the flight control.


To backup all settings as a file, click on „Backup„. With „Restore“ you can restore a backup. With the button „Save Settings“ you save changed settings.

UAV Type

In this menu, you decide which type of copter you want to fly.
Standard is: Quad X
Pay attention to the direction of rotation and the correct PWM output when mounting the motors. It is also important to ensure that the flight control is correctly aligned with the flight direction arrow. You can find a connection plan here:

kiss_quad_x kiss_tricopter kiss_quad_y4 kiss_quad_y6 kiss_hexa_x kiss_hexa_plus


Depending on what receiver you are using, you can select the appropriate one from this drop-down menu. PPM channel order can be found in all combinations.

  • PPM: Thr, Roll, Pitch, Yaw
  • PPM: Pitch, Thr., Roll, Yaw
  • PPM: Thr, Pitch, Yaw, Roll
  • PPM: Roll, Pitch, Yaw, Thr.
  • PPM: Pitch, Roll, Thr., Yaw
  • PPM: Roll, Pitch, Thr., Yaw
  • Spekt. Sat. DSM2
  • Spekt. Sat. DSMX
  • FrSky S-BUS
  • FrSky S-BUS (not inverted)
  • Futaba S-Bus
  • Gr. SUMD
  • Jeti Ex Bus
  • Multiplex SRXL
  • JR XBus Mode B
  • FrSky F-Port
  • FrSky F-Port (inverted)


PID & Rates

Here you can adjust your PIDs and Rates as usual. There is also an extra tab for rates. No matter which of the two menus you change the counters, they are the same in both places.


Flyduino has created an online database for User-PIDs. Through this database, each user can share their PIDs with the community and, if necessary, load PIDs from the community directly into the KISS FC.

General Settings

Min Throttle

minimum throttle value for the motors

Max Throttle

maximum throttle value for the motors

Min Command

the throttle value from which the PID controller starts to operate

Mid Command

ESC throttle value for switching the direction of rotation in 3D-mode

ESC Mode

Select ESC Signal protocol: Oneshot42, Oneshot125, PWM, (Dshot150, Dshot300, Dshot600 if ESCs supported this)

3D Mode

If checked, the 3D mode is activated, for which of course you still need to activate 3D Mode for all ESCs.

ESCs calibration

All KISS 32Bit ESCs / DSHOT do not need to be calibrated.
Always perform this process without the propellers!

  • unplug LiPo
  • Click “Enable Motors Test” in the “data output” tab
  • Click the check box next to motors
  • Turn on the remote control, check each PWM checkbox 1 to 4
  • Give 100% throttle, the throttle should move to 2000 in the receiver area
  • Plug in the lipo, wait until you hear the motor beeps
  • Uncheck “enable motor test”
  • Unplug the lipo, unplug the USB, Turn off the radio


To activate Airmode: Set “Min Command” to 1000 and arming with an AUX channel

AUX Functions

Here you can configure up to four AUX channels.
The following selection options are available

  • Arm – Arm/Disarm
  • Level – activate Angle/Level-Mode
  • 3D – activate 3D-Mode
  • Buzzer – activate Buzzer (if you are looking for your quad in the high grass, for example)
  • Brightness – Helligkeit der LEDs einstellen
  • Turte Mode – Flip the copter when it’s upside down
  • Runcam Split – controls the  RunCam Split / Split Mini

An AUX channel can be assigned to each of the above-mentioned alternatives, as well as a value:

  • Low + Medium (In the vicinity of 1000–1500)
  • Medium (In the vicinity of 1500)
  • Medium + High (In the vicinity of 1500–2000)
  • High (In the vicinity of 2000)
  • Knob (only for Led/Brightness)


LPF FRQ: Adjust low pass filter against oscillations

  • Off
  • High (lowest filtering)
  • Medium High
  • Medium
  • Medium Low
  • Low
  • Very Low (highest filtering)
  • Advanced Settings

Motor Output Mapping

If you want to remap your motors, you can adjust the new arrangement in this dropdown menu.

There are following options available:

  • Default
  • 90° CW
  • 90° CCW
  • 180° CW/CCW
  • Upside-Down
  • Upside-Down 90°CW
  • Upside-Down 90° CCW
  • Upside-Down 180°

Note: If you are using „Motor Output Remapping„, + rotating the FC (eg. KISS CC) you will also need to change the „Custom FC Orientation“ setting in the „Advanced“ tab accordingly.


Here you can make further settings for your KISS FC and connected accessories.

Custom FC orientation


If you do not want your KISS FC to be aligned with the direction of the arrow in the direction of the flight, you can turn the KISS FC under this menu. You can specify a positive or negative angle on each axis.
Negative = turned to the left
Positive = turned to the right

Yaw control direction

Möchtest du, dass die Propeller nach außen drehen, kannst du es über dieses Häkchen aktivieren.

RX deadbands

Setting in the FC firmware that interprets / „smoothes“ control commands near mid-position to a certain extent as mid-position. Needed if the remote control can not always exactly hit the middle position or the channel is „shaking“ (jumping back and forth). Values from 0 (no influence) to 250 (maximum influence) can be entered.

Serial Config

Under „Serial Config“ and checked „Use advanced serial configuration“ you can assign the serial interfaces 1,2,3 and 5 individual functions.
You have the choice:

  • KissProtocol/OSD
  • Logger
  • Receiver
  • VTX
  • RunCam

Logger Config

In addition, a serial logger can be fed with data.
The following data can be logged in a “resolution” of 10–100%:

  • Raw Gyroscope
  • Raw Accelerometer
  • ESC Voltage
  • ESC Current
  • ESC Temperature
  • ESC Consumption

Blackbox/ Logger Hardware: Flyduino (OpenLog)
Storage medium: A Class 10 MicroSD Card is recommended
Log Viewer: Cleanflight – Blackbox Explorer (Google Chrome extension)


VTX Config

If you have connected the data line of your VTX (eg TBS SmartAudio) to the flight control, you can configure it here. You can choose between the ImmersionRC Tramp / Furious FPV Stealth Race VTX or the TBS Unify Pro HV RaceTBS Unify Pro HV.

Buzzer Emulation

Emulate the buzzer sound via the motors / propellers.

LED Color


The following colors can be selected.
Black, White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Green, Cyan, Custom
The LED is connected as follows.

It is recommended to choose an external and sufficiently sized 5V power source.

Lap Timer

With an IR LED and a 30 Ohm resistor, you can use the EasyRaceLapTimer.

The following outputs can be used: Buzzer Pin, PWM5 Pin, PWM6 Pin

Setpoint Weight in Dterm

Sets „Setpoint Weight“ in percent.
It changes responsiveness of your quad to the stick movements. 100% feels more direct. 0% feels smoother.

Adaptive Filter

Activates the „Adaptive Filter“

The „Adaptive Filter“ (programmed by Alexander Fedorov) filters out gyro noise before it enters the „pid loop“. Depending on the frequency, the calculation is adjusted.
By the way: on the KISS FC V2 the filter runs 12x faster and filters „more aggressively“ than on the KISS FC V1.

Note: The „Adaptive Filter“ is only available if a Looptime of 1kHz is selected.

Notch Filter

The Notch Filter is only needed to filter a certain small range of frequencies where vibrations might occur.
Only then you should activate it and adjust it by inspecting the BB log files.

Center frequency is the center of the range you want to filter.
Cutoff frequency adjusts the frequency range above and below the center

filtered range = lowest freq to center − lowest + center
filtered range = 300 to (400 − 300) + 400 = 500, so range is 300 − 500Hz

Advanced LPF settings

Advanced settings of the LPF (Low Pass Filter)

Yaw Filter

YAW filter strength targets the amount of influence, the filter has on YAW.
This filter was introduced to get rid of grinding noises that might occur on certain setups.
It is independent from the main notch filter.
At 0 the filter is off. The filter acts exponentially so the higher the strength, the more filtering.


setting the filter from 92% to 97% will affect the filtering more than going from 50% to 60%
Mix value = old value x (0%) + new value x (100-0%)

Lipo Alarm

Lipo Warning if the set limit is exceeded. Adjustable range is 0–26 V.

Tab: Data Output

Under “Data Output” you can see various sensors and information such as the LiPo voltage, MCU calculation, angle in which the flight controller is located and much more.


Mode“ indicates the current flight mode.
Status“ indicates whether the model is “armed” or “disarmed”.

Calibrate Accelerometer

Button for calibrating the acceleration sensor


Here you can check if your channels are correctly assigned and working correctly. Likewise, you can see here if your channels centers are correctly set to 1500us. If not, you can set these by subtrim in your radio.

Motor Test

In the “Motor Test” you can do this by clicking “Test” under “Motors”.
Caution: Always remove the propellers when working with a plugged LiPo on the flight controller.


Tab: Rates


In this window, you can set your advice and test the same. You will also see the current number of flips, rolls, or turns on each axis.

Tab: TPA

This menu allows you to automatically adjust (increase / decrease) your PIDs based on your throttle value. This is often used when you have oscillations at full throttle. With the use of TPA you do not need to change your PIDs to counteract the oscillations.

There are 4 points where you can automatically adjust your PIDs.

  1. Starting point at 0% throttle and 30% TPA
  2. individual breakpoint 1 (here at 30% throttle and 0% TPA)
  3. individual breakpoint 2 (here at 50% throttle and 0% TPA)
  4. Endpoint at 100% throttle and 100% TPA

Tab: ESC Flasher

In this tab, ESCs are flashed and configured!


ESCs are flashing

You need ESCs with at least version 1.02 (Tutorial) to use this feature. To flash a LiPo must be connected.
Again, for safety resons: Remove props!


After clicking on „SELECT REMOTE FIRMWARE“ a dropdown menu will appear where you can select the desired firmware. To continue press „DOWNLOAD“ and then „FLASH FIRMWARE„.

Alternatively, „SELECT LOCAL FIRMWARE“ allows you to select and upload a firmware file from your computer. You can find them here for download.

Configure KISS ESCs

Under „KISS ESC Info“ all ESCs with the corresponding serial number and firmware version are listed.

Direction of rotation of the motor or 3D mode is set under „KISS ESC settings„.


I hope you liked my KISS FC manual and you recommend it to other pilots. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to submit them in the comments below. Thanks!

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25 Antworten

  1. Vitus sagt:

    Hey, Ich kann den serial Config nicht finden bei mir.
    Habe die KISS GUI 2.0.29
    und Fettec F7 FC ist FCV2F7 v1.3 RC34c.

    Woran liegt das? Ich habe nichtmal diese Checkbox dafür?


  2. Joshua sagt:

    Hi Phil,
    ich bin am verzweifeln.. in der „Data Output“ Option kommt einfach kein Signale (Throttel, Roll , Aux 1, Aux 2 …) rein.
    Ich habe die neueste GUI Version und auch sonst ist alles up to date..
    Ich stecke die drohne an den PC – > die Drohne ist mit der TX16S über crossfire verbunden (grüne Status Leuchte an Drohne und Funke) -> wenn ich nun an der Funke etwas ansteuer z.B. Throttle oder einfach nur einen Schalter, wird mir nichts in GUI angezeigt. Die Telemetry Daten zeigt es mir jedoch an. Die Verkabelung hab ich auch doppelt gecheckt. In der Funke im Mixer hab ich auf TAER1234 umgestellt. Das Problem ist meiner Meinung also der Empfang des Output Signals der Funke. Die Outputs der Funke selbst funktionieren aber… Ich weiß nichtmehr weiter .. Danke schonmal

  3. Ditto sagt:


    I used kiss v2 and crossfire. Please help if i used mwosd as crossfire LQ indicator. What value for rssi max….. And rssi min…. Thanks

  4. Patrick Schmid sagt:

    When I want to calibrate the ESC, I don’t hear a beep when I connect the lipos. Unfortunately all motors are rotating with different speeds so I want to recalibrate them. But it does not work. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

  5. Steff sagt:

    Hi Philipp,
    wie oft mir dein Blog schon geholfen hat! Nur jetzt komme ich nicht weiter…

    Habe ein Setup mit KISS FC 32 Bit F7 V2 und KISS ESC 2-5S 25A 4in1 32 Bit. Wenn ich nun einen Lipo anstecke erscheint in der Brille „Please connect USB and connect with GUI to activate board“ gefolgt von zwölf Zahlen. Dieser Schriftzug verschwindet nicht. Auf dem FC läuft 1.3RC45y und auf dem ESC läuft 121a beep (stable).

    Wie bekomme ich den Aktivierungshinweis weg?

    Viele Grüße

  6. Greg Lightbourn sagt:

    Fantastic manual!- I will be using it for my first Kiss Build- Apex Mr Steele edition. I’m using Kiss FC V2 with the Kiss 4in1 ESC. My question is this:
    If I mount the ESC sideways as Steele does in his build video, do I have to re-map the motor positions (ESC positions) in the Kiss GUI? And if so how?

  7. Dave sagt:

    Hey man,

    I don’t suppose there is a way to change the resource mapping in KISS V2?

    My friends FC has stopped outputting signal on channel 2 and 3, so only 2 of the lights on his 4 in 1 stays on, however moving signal 1 and 4 to signal 5 and 6 pads all the ESCs get power, but I’ve spent the past couple hours searching to see if he can remap 1 and 4 to pads 5 and 6, but I can’t find any info at all.

    Thanks in advance

  8. Christian sagt:

    Hoi Phil,
    ich habe die KISS FC v2 verbaut und das GUI v2.0.0 im Einsatz. Mir scheint, das Drop-Down-Ding „Motor Output Mapping“ ist nicht mehr da. Gibt es einen anderen Weg, die Motoren anders zuzuweisen? Was ist Dein Rat?
    Beste Grüsse aus der Schweiz.

  9. Manouuu sagt:

    Hallo Phil,

    danke erstmal für deine klasse Einträge! Die haben mir sehr beim Eigenbau geholfen 😉

    Ich hab jetzt einen Quad mit KISS FC V1.2 und Wolf PDB.

    Der soll aber eigentlich eher zum gemütlichen Fliegen sein und dafür ist er mir im moment zu hektisch. Dafür müsste ich wenn ich das richtig verstehe „Setpoint Weight“ auf 0% setzen, oder? Die Option ist in meinem GUI aber leider ausgegraut und lässt sich nicht ändern.. Hast du eine Idee woran das liegen könnte?

    Lieb Grüße

  10. KwadLife sagt:

    Hey Phil erstmal gesagt: Fetter Blog!
    Super ausführlich und alles was das Dronenherz begehrt ist hier zu finden!

    Nun zu meiner Frage:
    Ist es möglich die Adafruit LEDs auch mittels Kiss FC V2 zu betreiben wenn ein Mr Steele PDB benutzt wird?
    Haste ne Idee wie das laufen könnte? Der Stecker ist ja quasi schon in Verwendung…

    Gibt es andere alternativen… ? Inklusive Farbwechsel etc.

    Liebe Grüße

  11. Andrei Burichita sagt:

    what about the esc telemetry. I can’t find any data anywhere about this. Everybody is presuming it is working but i have a batch ( 4esc) that show no telemetry data even with the 1.03 firmware….

    • Phil sagt:


      What do you mean?
      KISS24A Telemetry -> KISS FC -> MinimOSD
      KISS24A Telemetry -> KISS FC -> Smartport -> FrSky Taranis

      Maybe i can do a howto on both of this. I saw both working. 😉


      • JohnnyB sagt:

        Hallo Phil,
        Thanks for your English translation of the many articles you have written. It has been very helpful.
        I agree that the telemetry aspects are a bit of a black hole, indeed its one of the strengths of the system:
        I have set mine up and it works: KISS ESC -> KISS FC -> Smartport ->Taranis, but I am not convinced of the accuracy.
        Any thoughts?

        • Phil sagt:

          Hey Johnny,

          i never used this feature but indeed it would be nice, if there is a way to calibate the current sensors.
          habe you set all ECS with the right telemetry setting? If one ESC which does not transmit the current you have 25% less current on the Telemety

  12. Mike sagt:

    Is there more work being done on the KISS manual? A few areas with very little information. Also towards the bottom it starts going back into German.

  1. 2. Dezember 2016

    […] Flyduino KISS FC Manual […]

  2. 2. Dezember 2016
  3. 21. März 2017

    […] English  version 英文版: […]

  4. 23. Juni 2017

    […] 상세 설명은 를 […]

  5. 15. März 2024

    […] arrow and pay attention to the direction of rotation and PWM output when mounting the motors3. These precautions help in maintaining the integrity of the flight controller and ensuring safe […]

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